Premiere Oper KEIN LICHT von Philippe Manoury

Kroatisches Nationaltheater Zagreb

Kein Licht (2011/2012/2017)
CREATION - Thinkspiel for actors, instrumentalists and electronic music in real time based on a text by Elfriede Jelinek. Commissioned by the Opéra Comique. World premiere on 25 August 2017 as part of the Ruhrtriennale, Germany.

Lauréat du Prix FEDORA - Rolf Liebermann pour l'Opéra 2016

On 11 March 2011 the eastern coast of Japan is devastated by an earthquake and the resulting tsunami. The cooling systems of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima fall off, the cores of two reactors melt. The implications are gigantic as to the role of nuclear energy policy worldwide. 
Committed and moralistic, Nobel Prize laureate Elfriede Jelinek soon wrote Kein Licht, a variation of monologues expressing terror, grief, loss and anger in a highly musical writing. Nicolas Stemann is familiar with her texts which he often stages. Philippe Manoury works on the interaction between acoustics and computing and explores new forms of musical theater. 
With Kein Licht, Stemann and Manoury organize a meeting between text theater and theater music composed beforehand or in real time. They offer us a visual and polyphonic reflection, which is also interactive and humorous, on the place of technology in our lives and the place of life in the face of technology. 

Soprano: Sarah Maria Sun

Mezzo-soprano Sonja Leutwyler

Contralto: Christina Daletska 

Baritone: Lionel Peintre 

Actors: Caroline Peters / Niels Bormann


Music direction: Julien Leroy 

Staging: Nicolas Stemann 



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